
How To Remove Chalk From Chalkboard

How to Erase Chalkboard Markers

You just got a new chalkboard and you drew a cool blueprint or wrote the special of the twenty-four hour period or jotted down the grocery list. Yous go a paper towel or rag and go to erase it, but it won't get away! No matter how difficult you lot scrub it's withal there. Sometimes erasing chalkboard markers tin can be a struggle, merely don't worry nosotros take the solution!

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This is the ultimate guide on how to erase chalkboard markers that will provide yous with multiple means to clean chalk markers off of your chalkboard!

How to Erase Chalkboard Markers

How to Erase Chalk Marker

Beginning, let's look at why your chalkboard markers won't come off. In that location are two common causes of chalkboard markers sticking to the chalkboard.  The most common cause of not existence able to erase chalkboard markers is that the markers themselves are not loftier quality. For this reason, we recommend using Chophouse Chalk Markers.  They come in a diversity of colors including pastels  and metallics !

Some other cause is that the surface you are writing on is porous. Because y'all can easily convert surfaces similar wood into chalkboards with the Easy Chalkboard Marking , it'due south best to ever season your chalkboard before using it . Otherwise, the chalk marker ink gets stuck in the niggling holes and divots which makes it hard to become out, but don't worry at that place are nevertheless ways to erase!

v Ways to Erase Chalkboard Markers

  1. The first thing to try if a wet paper towel is not removing chalk marking is to add together a petty vinegar. Beginning with a lxx% water thirty% vinegar mix and go up from at that place.
  2. If vinegar and water are non doing the pull a fast one on try a Mr. Make clean Magic Eraser. Cut it in half because unless you are erasing a very large area y'all won't need the whole Magic Eraser.
  3. If neither the vinegar or the Magic Eraser work, try combining them. Utilize the Magic Eraser but as y'all would a newspaper towel or textile.
  4. If all else fails in that location are chalkboard cleaners you can buy.
  5. If the chalkboard cleaner itself does not work, try adding in some vinegar.

How to Prevent Future Issues

If you don't feel like doing chemistry every time y'all want to erase your chalkboard at that place are a few precautions you can accept. Outset, if you know your writing surface is porous, practice not use chalk markers, only apply traditional chalk. If yous are not sure if the surface yous are using as a chalkboard is porous or non-porous make a small mark with a chalk marker and see if it can easily be erased. If it can not information technology is likely porous and erasing it volition exist a pain.

Seasoning any chalkboard before using chalk markers is the key to getting that stubborn after image off. Seasoning the lath will fill any pores on the surface so when it comes time to erase, the ink will come right off! Not sure what we hateful? Check out our postal service on How to Season a Chalkboard .

For those visual learners, we fabricated a quick 1-minute video to evidence you just how easy it is!


Jennifer - August 30, 2022

Thank you!!!! You lot saved me from throwing abroad my whole (1st/last mean solar day of school) chalkboard

… notation to self: don't use inexpensive chalkboard markers on a cheap porous chalkboard LOL

Fiona A Gwozdz - Baronial 2, 2022

Give thanks you lot and then much for the tips! I repeated the vinegar wash and mr clean cycle a couple of times and information technology worked a treat!

Skye Smith - July viii, 2022

The magic eraser worked for me! Give thanks you!

How To Remove Chalk From Chalkboard,


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